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Andy to be the featured of CIO Times Magazine cover story.

CIO Times, are dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of the top leaders in business, and they believe that Andy's work deserves recognition to a wider audience.
CIO magazine has established itself as a trusted and respected voice in the worldwide business community.

CIO Magazine are have noted Andy’s work style as relaxed but holding the highest standard.
He has seen businesses run in such a way that staff don’t enjoy the workplace and it becomes a job. He runs ADS in the complete opposite way and wants all his staff to enjoy their work. He has always followed the process that he would never ask anyone to do something he wouldn’t do himself and this brings the staff into a close-knit group.
For his staff, Andy hand-picks the roles they would play knowing their fit in the business. He has 100%
trust in each staff member and lets them perform their role with full independence, authority and
responsibility. They do each job how they feel best suited. “I show them how I would do a job but leave
it as a suggestion.  They are very professional and know I trust them to do their job to the high standard ADS holds and don’t need me to tell them what to do, they also know they can always ask me for help if they aren’t sure,” says Andy.
Andy’s biggest personal challenge was he never really knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his working life. Finally taking the leap from a secure full-time job to starting up on his own and not knowing where the next paycheck is coming from, especially in the middle of a pandemic was a daunting thought.
But if he didn’t try, he would have never known. He overcame this with a pure determination of setting a goal and pushing for it, and when it was achieved, he would then set another goal, each goal bigger and better than the last. If he was to change one thing in his career, it would be to do it sooner. “I have had the dream for a long time and never thought I could make it a reality. If you want it, make it happen.
I wish I had taken the leap to have my own business sooner,” .

Link to the edition:

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